If you are someone who is afraid to wear color on your lips, I'm here to help. I too was like you and for years wore nothing but gloss. But ever since I became a makeup artist, I have become increasingly fond of lip liner... the trick is putting it on!
This weekend I attended a makeup workshop with celebrity makeup artist Robert Jones and he said the most fantastic thing about makeup, which I feel inclined to share here: He said "Makeup is all about staying in between the lines! Remember when you were a kid and colored in coloring books? It is the same concept."
When I was growing up, I loved - and I mean really loved - coloring books. I guess it's really no surprise that I love being a makeup artist now.
So, here's the deal with getting the lips you want: First, it's all about hydration. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water, but also that you have a good lip balm. I don't recommend blistex or anything with a scent because you'll probably just eat it off. I use Mary Kay's extra emollient night cream at night (pink greasy stuff) and Carmex during the day, especially in the winter (yep, it's the stuff for cold sores, but I swear it's amazing). I rub my lips together alot so I have to constantly reapply lip balm. Those who know me can attest to the fact that I am a lip balm addict.
Now that your lips are moisturized, you can try to apply the liner. I start from the corners of the mouth and draw upward to the bow of the lip, which should be the highest point on the mouth. I then try to draw on the "dip" or the bow of the mouth, by making two separate strokes. From the left side of the lip, I draw down to the lowest point in the "ridge" of the bow, which should be halfway. From the right side of the mouth, I draw down to the trough to connect the line. Basically, I divide the upper lip into four sections: Left corner to peak, peak to trough, trough to peak, and peak to corner.
For the lower lip, I hold the pencil flush against the skin to make a wider line. Starting again from the corner, shade in gently to the middle of the lip, and then repeat with the opposite side. Remember, it doesn't have to be one continuous movement. Lightly shade in the lips wit the liner and then apply lipstick.
The trick to lip stick is not putting it on out of the tube. Get a good lip brush! I recommend the one by Shu Umera. Also, one coat of lipstick isn't going to get you Angelina's lips. Apply one coat, blot with a kleenex or paper towel, then apply another coat. Do this until you get the color you desire. Each time you blot, you will be removing emollients and only the pigment will remain on your lips. As you build up your coats, the color will become bolder.
If you want to set the lip color, dip the tip of your finger in some powder and lightly tap the lips with the powder. This gives a great matte lip.
I hope this helps!
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